Many driving records contain inaccuracies. Such inaccuracies can cost a driver hundreds of dollars more per year in auto insurance. If your record has a mistake on it… then you could be paying more than you should for insurance premiums each year. Especially if you have been charged with a DWI, the last thing you need is a mistake that makes your record look worse.
The Insurance Research Council states that more than 22% of driving records contain mistakes. The mistakes exist for varying reasons but the most common reason is that speeding violations which have been dismissed (after completing a traffic school class) still show up on record. Other mistakes result from clerical errors where a person simply input the wrong information.
Only 14 states currently input driving history information electronically, while the rest still use ordinary paper and pen. Such a system is bound to produce errors.
If your job requires significant travel (especially with a company car), then it may be particularly important that you know what is on your driving record. Mistakes on that record could be costly.
A copy of your driving record can benefit you in a traffic courtroom as well. Although there may be a copy of your record already there, by bringing your own you demonstrate responsibility and a proactive nature to the judge.